Daria Fanworks Wiki

Outlanders by WellTemperedClavier is a 2018 story that rewrites Esteemsters but takes it out of the comfortable suburbs of Lawndale and re-imagines it within the murky world of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Here, Daria's an Imperial girl who's just arrived in Morrowind's city of Balmora, trying to navigate a society that's a lot weirder than home, but still reassuringly corrupt and hypocritical.

Can Daria survive in a world where snarking to the wrong person might actually get you killed? And where bugs are considered haute cuisine? Read and find out!


Outlanders takes place explicitly within the canon presented by TES3: Morrowind and the Tamriel Rebuilt/Project Tamriel mods.

Winner of Best Crossover in the 2018 Daria Fandom Awards

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